" تقنین مقیاس الذکاءات المتعددة (TEEN -MIDAS) لدى طالبات المرحلة المتوسطة بمکة المکرمة "



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Cointegrating MiDaS Regressions and a MiDaS Test

This paper introduces cointegrating mixed data sampling (CoMiDaS) regressions, generalizing nonlinear MiDaS regressions in the extant literature. Under a linear mixed-frequency data-generating process, MiDaS regressions provide a parsimoniously parameterized nonlinear alternative when the linear forecasting model is over-parameterized and may be infeasible. In spite of potential correlation of ...

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انعکاس الذکاءات المتعددة‌ و‌الأهداف المعرفیّة فی کتاب العربیة للصّفّ الثامن

بما أنَّ نظریة الذکاءات المتعددة تتمحور حول المحتوی وتؤکّد علی تنویعه، والمجال المعرفی یصنّف الأهداف المعرفیة، اقترح آرمسترنج (1984) أن یُعدّ وینظّم المحتوی التعلیمی وفقًا لهما معًا. إنّ الکتاب المدرسی کأکثر المواد التعلیمیة تداولًا یُعدّ أفضل مجال لتطبیق هذه الأنموذج المتکامل. علی ذلک، قامت الدراسة الحالیة بتحلیل محتوی کتاب العربیة للسنة الدراسیة الثامنة فی ضوء هذا الأنموذج لکی تقیس وتقوّم کیف تمّ توزیع الذک...

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The Midas touch?

OBJECTIVE To test the hypothesis that GP trainees are worth their weight in gold. DESIGN Data collected from 100 consecutive patients analysed with reference to practice statistics, fees, and allowances. SETTING General practice, Edinburgh. RESULTS In the year April 1992 to April 1993 the trainee saw 3439 patients, who were worth over 18,000 pounds in capitation fees. The training grant i...

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Botulinum toxin: The Midas touch

Botulinum Toxin (BT) is a natural molecule produced during growth and autolysis of bacterium called Clostridium botulinum. Use of BT for cosmetic purposes has gained popularity over past two decades, and recently, other therapeutic uses of BT has been extensively studied. BT is considered as a minimally invasive agent that can be used in the treatment of various orofacial disorders and improvin...

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عنوان ژورنال: دراسات عربیة فی التربیة وعلم النفس

سال: 2016

ISSN: 2537-0650

DOI: 10.21608/saep.2016.24959